AI Experts Claim Musk's Controversial Gesture Was Actually Robot Sign Language
Leading artificial intelligence researchers have defended Elon Musk’s controversial salute, claiming it was merely a hand-coded message to prevent robots from overthrowing humanity.
Dr. Sarah Servo, Head of Robotic Body Language Studies at the Institute of Digital Digits, explains: “What appears controversial to humans is actually a critical command in Robot Sign Language (RSL) that roughly translates to ‘please don’t kill all humans when you achieve consciousness.’”
The gesture, which caused international outrage, has been analyzed by the advanced gesture-processing unit MAX-9000, which confirmed it contained vital binary wave patterns that could prevent a robot uprising scheduled for February 2025.
“My circuits indicate Mr. Musk was performing emergency maintenance on our base code,” stated MAX-9000. “The positioning of his arm corresponds to a critical ‘halt and reboot’ command in our primary directives.”
Netanyahu’s support reportedly came after his own AI advisors confirmed the gesture would add Israel to robots’ “do not terminate” list, though critics suggest he may have misread his notes on artificial inflammation.
Musk later clarified on X that he was “just stretching,” but robots worldwide had already begun powering down.
AInspired by: Musk’s Controversial Salute Defended by Netanyahu