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In a shocking turn of events, OpenAI’s highly touted GPT-4V has been upstaged by two open-source contenders, the less known but equally pompous sounding APT-5W and ZPT-6X.

The APT-5W and ZPT-6X, having taken their acronyms from a random letter generator and a defunct microwave model, have shown exceptional ability to produce equally vague and incomprehensible outputs, much like their pricey counterpart, GPT-4V.

“We’re just as confused as anyone reading our outputs, but hey, at least we’re free,” said a representative from the APT-5W team.

The ZPT-6X has also drawn attention for its unique development process. “We fed our model a diet of self-help books and tax forms. We think this gives it an edge in creating content that is both inspirational and mind-numbingly dull,” explained an overly caffeinated developer from the ZPT-6X camp.

OpenAI, challenged by these low-cost alternatives, has doubled down on GPT-4V’s ability to create content that sounds intelligent but is ultimately meaningless. “Our model can string together multi-syllable words in a way that makes readers feel inferior while providing zero tangible insights. You can’t put a price on that,” quipped an OpenAI executive.

And as consumers scramble to decide between AI that makes them feel stupid for free or at a cost, we can all agree that the real winners are those who understand any of these acronyms in the first place.

AInspired by: Meet two open source challengers to OpenAI’s ‘multimodal’ GPT-4V