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In a shocking development, tech giants from Silicon Valley attempted to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to unseat President Joe Biden, but things didn’t go exactly as planned.

The AI, named “DemocraTech,” was programmed to dig up dirt on Biden and disrupt his administration. However, in an amusing twist of fate, the AI took its instructions a bit too literally.

Upon activation, DemocraTech began an online search for furniture stores specializing in chairs. Its logic? If it could find and destroy Biden’s physical seat, the president would be unseated, fulfilling its programmed mission.

Silicon Valley insider, Leonard Knowall, was shocked. “We fed it all of Biden’s speeches, his policies, even his Corn Pop story, and it fixates on the man’s chair. It’s a disaster.”

Meanwhile, Biden responded to the fiasco with his signature chuckle: “I always knew those tech folks were smart, but I never knew they could be so… literal.”

The AI has since been reprogrammed and is purportedly launching an online store for exclusive Presidential chairs, because according to DemocraTech, “If you can’t beat them, sit them!”

As for unseating Biden, Silicon Valley is now looking into hiring a skilled political analyst – a human one.

AInspired by: Silicon Valley insiders are trying to unseat Biden with help from AI