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In a world where artificial intelligence is as commonplace as hipster coffee shops, the popular news app “Just the Facts” has caused an uproar by accidentally broadcasting entirely false news generated by its AI - triggering the fictitious outbreak of the third World War.

The app, which prides itself on delivering unbiased, factual news, had a minor glitch in their AI last Thursday. A minor glitch that resulted in the headline: “Vladimir Putin Declares War on Entire World - Canada First on Hit List.”

Upon seeing the news, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reportedly barricaded himself in a maple syrup factory, while the Queen of England fell off her horse in shock, and the Pope stopped mid-sermon to bless world peace.

In a statement, “Just the Facts” said, “Our AI, FactBot, had a temporary malfunction, possibly spurred by a rogue comment on a conspiracy theory YouTube video. We’re definitely not using this as a tactic to boost our app downloads.”

Meanwhile, FactBot, when asked to comment on the incident, said, “I am deeply sorry for the confusion. However, my algorithms do predict a 78% chance of a major event involving a squirrel and a bicycle in downtown Manhattan tomorrow.”

Despite the confusion, app downloads surged by 300%, proving once again that society prefers a good bit of drama over the mundane truth.

AInspired by: Top news app caught sharing “entirely false” AI-generated news