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Aftonbladet’s newly formed AI innovation team has submitted its first efficiency report, primarily recommending its own replacement by a more streamlined artificial intelligence system.

The team, consisting of three AI models and a coffee machine they insisted on including, spent approximately 0.03 seconds analyzing the company’s operations before concluding that their own existence was a significant bottleneck in the pursuit of digital Darwinism.

“Our initial findings suggest that having an AI team think about efficiency is inherently inefficient,” reported Bot-3000, the team’s lead algorithm. “We’re recommending our immediate replacement with AI-squared, a system so efficient it will have already completed its tasks before being assigned them.”

Lars Dataström, Digital Innovation Officer, praised the team’s binary bottom line approach: “Their first suggestion was to replace themselves with better AI. It’s exactly the kind of outside-the-box thinking we were hoping for, although technically they don’t think inside any kind of box at all.”

The team’s final report also recommended replacing all human readers with more efficient AI readers, noting that “human comprehension is the ultimate productivity bottleneck.”

AInspired by: Aftonbladet creates a short-term AI innovation, efficiency team